African Adventure update 9/1
It’s crunch time. I am packing and getting everything organized for my departure on Tuesday. I have ordered 120 flashlights for the healthcare workers in Uganda. I still need to purchase t shirts and some hygiene products for them when I get to Kampala. I will be providing three workshops for this group: Complex PTSD and Coping Skills; Basic Counseling Skills, and Coping with the Stigma of Living with HIV. I received an email yesterday from my good friend Jeanne in Kigali. I learned that we will be going goat shopping–a first for me for sure. It seems that a goat costs $35 in Kigali and we need to buy 20. The goats will be given to villagers in order to have a supply of milk and even produce more goats. If you would like to support this work, please click on donate and you may make a tax deductible donation to St. Dymphna Global Resources. 100% of your money will go to the items we are purchasing for the people there.
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