Parenting and Its Crucial Secrets
Valuable information for all Parents
Parenting is one of the most complicated yet crucial stages in life. No two children are the same therefore each child requires a specific style of parenting. Parents have the ability to “make” or “break” their children. Many times we are unaware of just how important good parenting really is. However, there is a positive and negative way to parent. With parenthood comes tremendous power (power to mold your child into a positive, healthy, successful adult or mold them into rebellious, self destructive, unhealthy adults). We are products of our environment (to an extent) and our parents make up 90% of that environment throughout our developmental years. Children will learn two very critical points before age 11 (What kind of world do I live in and what kind of person am I). Children answer these questions mostly based on the environment their parents provide. You can imagine the variety of complications that can arise from a child who has learned they are not valuable or that “something is seriously wrong with me and the world I live in”. Fortunately, children are just as impressionable and receptive to positive experience and can be molded into happy, healthy, children with lives defined by success. The key to successful parenting is about balance.
Counseling provides the knowledge, tools, and specific application of parenting styles catered uniquely for your child. I want you to be the next family I help!
Marriage and Family Mental Health Specialist Paul D. Myers
Parenting, Adolescence and children’s emotional / behavioral problems,
Depression and Anxiety
7604 San Jacinto Place
Plano, TX 75024
972 345 6788
Brannon La Force
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